The big debate that always arises in our circle is which filters are better. Cotton or Carbon? Hey folks, Mr. Slim here and today we’ll be talking about which filter is the better choice by comparing their pros and cons.
Before getting into their advantages and disadvantages let’s take a step back and get familiar with these two filters.
Cotton Filters:
Cotton filters are the traditional filters you see in store bought cigarettes. They’re made from a chemical called cellulose acetate through esterifying bleached cotton. Crafted to turn dark with each puff you take, cotton filters trap the largest tar molecule reducing the chances of lung cancer and ensuring that you don’t feel a burning sensation in your throat with the end goal being reducing the amount of tar and nicotine entering your lungs.
The quality of cotton filters you find in store bought filters can vary depending on how long the cigarette pack was sitting on the shelf of the store. To increase the quality and use of these filters companies started focusing on the biodegradable aspect and purity of cotton in these filters.
You can check out our collection of premium cotton filters here. Now let’s dive into the pros and cons of cotton filters.
You can check out our collection of premium cotton filters here.
Carbon Filters:
Carbon filters were conceived as a solution to the problems traditional cotton filters faced. The basis behind carbon filters is, they absorb the harmful chemicals and toxins by its negative electric charge that attracts the positively charged molecules present in the smoke.
The principle of carbonated charcoal filters in cigarettes work similarly as carbon air filters you find in vehicles. Carbon air filters are mainly used to remove gases. They are designed primarily for filter gases through activated carbon to ensure that the volatile compounds are released from the household products.
Overall carbon filters are deemed to be a much healthier alternative when compared to cotton filters. Now let’s dive into the pros and cons of carbon filters.
- Higher trap rate of pollutants and harmful chemicals
- Ensures a smoother and safer pull
- Perfect to use as a way to reduce smoking
- Reduces the chances of toxins entering into your body.
Explore our range of premium activated carbon filters here.
Comparing the pros and cons of these filters, they both have the same amount of cons but carbon filters outperform cotton filters in terms of providing a smoother and cleaner pull. The only difference is one is easily available and the other isn’t.
That’s where we come in. Below I’ve shortlisted 4 of the best cotton filters and carbon filters that you can easily buy from us.
Starting off with cotton filters, Gizeh hands down has the best cotton filters you can use! Equipped with an adhesive that sticks to your paper with ease, you won’t have to worry about tobacco slipping onto your lips when you have Gizeh by your side.
Check out Gizeh’s range of cotton filters here.
We had to include our own in-house filters! I mean you want the best from the rest right? Made from premium grade cotton that aims to reduce the amount of tar entering your body and elevate your overall experience, Slimjim’s cotton filters are here for a smooth experience. Available in 3 variants: Long, Short and Menthol. Be sure to check them out.
3.Purize Activated Charcoal Filters:
Next up in the carbon filter category we’ve got Purize’s activated charcoal filters. Made in Germany with heat resistant ceramic caps at both the ends, the chances of pollutants entering your body are minimal. Check out Purize’s range of carbon filters here.
Ending our list with our latest wonder is Slimjim’s Carbon Filters. We thought to ourselves if the Germans can do it why can’t we? Crafted to perfection with ultra premium grade coconut coal and equipped with the best ceramic caps available in India, our Carbon filters provide you with a clean and smooth experience without causing a huge dent in your wallet.